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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4 System : PC - Windows Date Added : 2003-11-13 02:55:18 Views : 31733 All Levels: Watch_me_xplode in cheat menu Get Moon Gravity: MOON$HOT in cheat menu Matrix Mode: FBIAGENT in cheat menu Special Always On: I'MYELLOW in cheat menu Perfect Rails: BELIKEERIC in cheat menu Perfect Manuals: FREEWHEELIE in cheat menu Leaving Practice Area: When you go in the Practice mode, and play. Go to the fence in the on end of the ramp, here you must lay down, allot and then just only slip through, now you're out of the practice area and can skate on the road, enjoy... Hidden created skaters: Enter one of the following names at the create a skater screen and their stats will appear. Note: Do not try to modify or change any of the following skaters and save afterwards. You may lose your saved game file. #$%@! Aaron Skillman Adam Lippman Andrew Skates Andy Marchal Angus Atiba Jefferson Ben Scott Pye Big Tex Brian Jennings Captain Liberty Chauwa Steel Chris Peacock ConMan Danaconda Dave Stohl DDT DeadEndRoad Fritz Gary Jesdanun grjost Henry Ji Jason Uyeda Jim Jagger Joe Favazza John Rosser Jow Kenzo Kevin Mulhall Kraken Lindsey Hayes Lisa G Davies Little Man Marilena Rixfor Mat Hoffman Matt Mcpherson Maya's Daddy Meek West Mike Day Mike Lashever Mike Ward Mr. Brad Nolan Nelson Parking Guy Peasus Pete Day Pooper Rick Thorne Sik Stacey D Stacey Ytuarte Team Chicken Ted Barber Todd Wahoske Top Bloke Wardcore Zac ZiG Drake Mini-game money total: In all of the mini-games (rhino betting, ghost baseball, etc.), only a maximum of $500 can be made. Quick tricks: Buy the "Hoverboard" cheat. As soon as you are in a special, quickly pause game play and go to the cheats menu. Keep selecting "Hoverboard" on and off, and your skater will do the special trick while paused. Switch tricks: To switch the trick you are doing on a lip or a rail, do a two-button combinations (exactly how you would do flatland tricks). You will do other tricks, such as going from a 5-0 to a Bluntslide without ollieing. Note: Not all two-button-combinations do tricks. Play as Daisy: Spend $100,000 at the store after finding all gaps and getting a 100% completion. Play as Eddie: Spend $9,000 at the store. Play as Jango Fett: Spend $9,000 at the store. Play as Mike Vallely: Spend $9,000 at the store. Carnival level: Spend $15,000 at the store. Chicago level: Spend $15,000 at the store. Big Head mode: Spend $1,000 at the store. Cool Specials mode: Spend $1,000 at the store. Disco mode: Spend $1,000 at the store. Flame mode: Spend $1,000 at the store. Gorilla mode: Spend $1,000 at the store. Hoverboard mode: Spend $1,000 at the store. Invisible mode: Spend $1,000 at the store. Kid mode: Spend $1,000 at the store. Sim mode: Spend $1,000 at the store. Slow motion mode: Spend $1,000 at the store. Super Blood mode: Spend $1,000 at the store. Clown's hair: Spend $250 at the store. Clown's head: Spend $300 at the store. Clown's pants: Spend $250 at the store. Clown's shoes: Spend $150 at the store. Eraser hair: Spend $250 at the store. Heart boxers: Spend $150 at the store. Kenny's head: Spend $400 at the store. Kilt: Spend $150 at the store. King glasses: Spend $100 at the store. Metal head: Spend $300 at the store. Officer Dick's head: Spend $400 at the store. Officer Dick's shirt: Spend $250 at the store. Ollie's coat: Spend $250 at the store. Ollie's head: Spend $400 at the store. Ollie's pants: Spend $250 at the store. Paper bag: Spend $300 at the store. Smiley boxers: Spend $150 at the store. Homies Skatin' 1 FMV sequence: Spend $800 at the store. Homies Skatin' 2 FMV sequence: Spend $800 at the store. Kona Old School FMV sequence: Spend $800 at the store. Outtakes FMV sequence: Spend $800 at the store. Pro Bails 1 FMV sequence: Successfully complete CAS Pro Challenge. Pro Bails 2 FMV sequence: Spend $800 at the store. Pro Skater FMV sequence: Successfully complete the Pro Challenge. Big air: Get $9,000 and buy the Star Warrior secret character (Jango Fett). He has a special trick called Jango Jump Jets. Use this special with the "Moon physics" code enabled and you will fly extremely high. Continuous Ollie: Unlock the "Hoverboard mode" cheat. Go to any level and Ollie. Immediately at the beginning of your Ollie, pause game play. Go to "Options", then "Cheats". Keep turning Hoverboard on and off. While doing so, you will see your skater continue their Ollie motion. This trick will not work if the game was paused too late into the Ollie. Easy stat points: Make a created skater, start a career, quickly finish simple objectives, save the skater, start a new career, load the skater, and do the same objectives. The game will give you stat points quickly, being that they become more scarce as the game goes on. When your stat points are maxed out, you can switch them all to a pro skater if desired. Eat pizza: Go to "Edit Tricks", then "Special Tricks", then select "Chomp On This". You will eat pizza once you do the trick. Collecting combos or tasks: If you are having trouble collecting combos or tasks that you have to complete in one combo, buy the "Slow Motion" cheat and enable it. This makes it a lot easier to complete those tasks. Do a full backflip: Get $9000 and buy Secret Skater 3. Select his special, "Ho Ho Ho Street Plant". Begin to do one, but before it shows the trick at the bottom of the screen, ollie. The character will do a backflip if timed correctly. Skate sideways: Go to any part in the game that has a ramp and then a flat surface above it (for example, the right side of the rhinos pen on the Zoo or at the crates in the Shipyard). Then, slowly skate up the ramp and turn. Fat kid skater: Buy the ''Gorilla'' and ''Kid'' cheats. Go to any level with any character, except the bonus ones. Then, enter the options and enable both of those cheats. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4 cheat codes.
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